Planting Tips

Succulents are so much fun! Plus they are pretty easy to take care of once you’ve learned just a few basic tips. Your succulents will want quite a bit of light, but not too harsh. The best place is a foot or two away from a window that receives bright light, preferably in the morning when it’s not as hot. Being too close to a window that gets hot, direct light can actually cause the plant to sunburn.
Soil. You want soil that doesn’t stay soaking wet for a long time. Succulents do not like to sit in soaking wet soil as they absorb water from the air rather than from direct contact with water. They love to have a good soak and then dry out for a little while. Generally with indoor succulents water about once a week.

Brown or black spots on leaves
Stems look mushy
Plant is wilted
Soil feels wet
Plant is wilted
Soil feels dry
The best way to know if a plant needs water is to check if the soil is dry. Gently stick your finger in the soil and check the humidity. If it’s still wet, it means it probably has enough water for now. If it's dry, go ahead and water.
If there’s some decorative moss over your soil, make sure to feel below it. Do note that generally plants in smaller pots will need to be watered more often simply because there’s not as much potting mix to keep the moisture in.

insect control
If you see any of the following damage to your plants, trees or shrubs. You probably have a problem. Stop in or call us and we can help you find the right treatment for those pests!
Holes in leaves
Chewed leaves, distorted leaves
Pin-size holes in stem
Back of leaves look silvery with tiny black spots
Leaves look rusty
Call 785-462-7528

Keep the root ball moist, but not soaked.
Apply the water over the root ball and the planting area, not on the trunk.
Use an open-ended garden hose or tree watering bag (such as Treegator).
Water every 2-3 days and give each plant at least 10-15 gallons of water per week
Water more during hot months and less during cold months.
Feel the soil: it’s the best way to check whether the plant needs water.